Blended, the Amazing Art of Rafael Silveira
Dorothy Circus Gallery presents the exceptional Pop Surreal artworks by the Brazilian Rafael Silveira.
Public Opening July 13th 2017, 6 pm
Hotel Butterfly, via Guido Reni 7
Roma - Italy
The artworks will be presented at the Hotel Butterfly, to introduce you in a world where dreams come true. Rafael Silveira invites the spectator to leave all the daily paradigms at his back and to start walking in the artist’s ironic reality: a parallel dimension with a vintage taste, where lingerie, tattoos, skulls, music and food explicitly represent the artist’s stream of consciousness.
The artist expresses the fears, anxieties and emotions of his characters through an explosion of symbols and objects inspired by comics, classical representations and horror stories giving birth to sceneries that catch the spectator and bring him/her in their unreal dimension. An amazing painting style free from every kind of logic and rational need, provocative and surreal at the same time, the perfect description of a dream. It goes beyond the limit of imagination through pallid and elaborate tonalities and brings us into the surreal jungle of the artist’s mind.